Home Decor, Lifestyle
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! December is my favorite time of the year to retreat, relax, review, and celebrate the year’s progress. It’s also been a tradition that we’d go pick up a real Christmas tree and decorate it, hanging up...
Home Decor, Lifestyle
My living room wall got a makeover, and as you can guess from the title, it’s the big 11 frame National Park-themed Gallery Wall. Actually, this is a 12 frame project. The 12th frame is not pictured, and it’s currently hiding the electrical unit in the...
Home Decor, Lifestyle
I have a confession to make. I am obsessed with candles! Ever since I moved to Seattle, I became obsessed with home decor, furniture, and would gravitate toward any candle sections at the stores. Candles to me do not only serve as aromatherapy but also are beautiful...